What will the Luxury Fashion industry look like in 2022?
We’ve explored exactly what 2021 has done to change the luxury fashion industry as a whole in our last article: How the Luxury Fashion industry and customer changed in 2021.
Now, in this article, we’ll delve further into what 2022 has in store for luxury fashion brands and how this ever-changing industry and customer can and will influence brand behaviours.
Looking into exactly what brands can do to keep up with this demanding change and how to capitalise on trends we’re seeing.
Our Luxury Fashion Specialist Maddie explores the trends for 2022 and how this will change the fashion industry and how marketers will have to adapt to this change.
So, let’s start with the 2022 fashion trends…
It seemed new adventures and frontiers were on the mind of every CEO and business owner this year. With the likes of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson all investing in new technologies to make space a reality.
But the infinite is not only reserved for the mega-wealthy, we’ll see a piece of the pie too. Drip feeding down into clothing and fashion trends, 2022 will be the year of looking to the future.
There’ll be Futuristic technologies and styles in everything from our outerwear through to trainers such as the Yeezy boost technology that’s changed trainers undeniably.
Future technologies will have a style of the same vein when it comes to a more sporting and performance fabric focus that will run throughout 2022.
There’s already the present influence of the Toyko 2021 Olympics where fashion was a part of the Olympic team uniforms like never before.
We’ll see even more of this, with high-end luxury fashion houses looking to skateboarding trends, and not to mention the Fifa World Cup having a huge cultural impact in the latter part of 2022.

It’s not just performance tech that will influence the fabrics we adorn. In 2021 we’ve already seen a huge shift towards more natural fabrics.
Fashion houses are digging down into their roots and using local, heritage fabrics for more historical depth and sustainable notes in their designs. Think shearling, feathers, woods and wools.
So expect the unexpected with earthy fabrics, and when it comes to collaborations. In 2021 we saw some of the most unexpected collaborations in history, and don’t worry, 2022 will be bigger and better than ever.
We predict it will become normal practice for fashion brands to collaborate with brands you’d never expect. The stranger, the better, with the aim to not only have viral moments but to ‘break the internet.’
One trend not set to break the internet or to surprise is minimalism. However, this isn’t minimalism as we know it. With the increase in back-to-work as the new normal, we’ll see a work-wear and loungewear hybrid.
This means to throw out everything you thought about workwear rules… alternatively ask your parents what they think smart workwear is and then you’ll see just how much it’s changed.
With luxurious knits paired with cargo shape trousers or jersey sweatshirts, this mix of minimal and comfort will change the idea of workwear for generations to come, with comfort taking centre stage.
While workwear gets a much-needed dress-down let’s head over to the youth and watch the Y2K revival. From a resurgence on TikTok to brands such as Juicy Couture making a come back.
The Y2K style is heading back into the stratosphere with a bang. So dig out your old noughties pieces for ultimate impact. We’re just hoping it’s not low-waisted jeans again.

Bella Hadid wearing Ed Hardy. Source: The Image Direct.
When it comes to impact on your outfit, nothing says luxury fashion like branded bags. Monochrome logos, signature clasps, you name it, if it’s got the brand name on it, it’s worth investing.
Ok, but how can brands capitalise on these trends?
Let’s get back to the issue at hand here, all these trends are great to know. But how can we make this knowledge work for d2c eCommerce brands within this luxury sector?
We first need to identify trends, then work backwards. Delving deeper into the cultural significance of these and the larger umbrella category above this micro trend and then establish strategies to capitalise on this.
Still with me? Let’s take a look at the natural fabrics trend we’re already seeing in 2021 which will undoubtedly hit its peak in 2022.
We look back to why this has become a trend. In the first article of this series, we discussed how consumers' view on sustainability has drastically changed and how this is a priority for the everyday consumer.
There is a clear correlation between fashion brands using and investing in more sustainable and natural materials and the demand for brands that are showing they’re giving back to the environment.
Hence the trend, once we identify the umbrella reasoning we can practice strategies that capitalise on this consumer trend.
Now you know how to find these umbrella reasons, now is time to work out your strategy…
When it comes to the above trend, looking to sustainability is the easiest way a brand can incorporate targets along with fostering a community with their customers.
By clearly using labels and clear categorisations online with key sustainable pieces it will allow an easy customer journey while reinforcing that sustainability piece throughout.
Producing content that lays out exactly what measures your brand is taking to remain sustainable and sending this out to your database through scheduled targeting emails will also build on the inclusivity of this.
44% of millennials say they are loyal to their favourite brands. And, as we know with the luxury fashion customer demographic shifting significantly down to millennials, this is the target audience brands want to hit.
So we know millennials like staying loyal to their favourite brands, this incorporates the reasoning behind retention being a better investment than acquisition, with the probability of selling to an existing customer between 60% and 70%.
They’re a better investment and they’re flooding the luxury fashion market! So, how do brands capitalise on this?
Create a community and build that retention and relationship with these customers. We discovered in our last article that this demographic of consumers favour promotional activity.
So, we use our knowledge of this and identify any of these key trends that incorporate your products and push promotional activity on these categories.
We can look next to finding unique avenues where collaborations are key. We’ve recently seen our very own Wrangler, collaborate with Rick and Morty to provide unexpected and shareable content that crosses consumer categorisations.

Brands should look to these unexpected collaborations as a great avenue to acquisition for a new category of customers who were potentially previously unreachable.
When we think of the futuristic trend we’re seeing, a huge door ready to be opened is the Metaverse. This is not a fad or an area to be ignored. With brands like Balenciaga already investing in this technology and the avenues of profitability, it’s one for all brands to keep a very close eye on.
And with minimalism having its one-millionth comeback, minimalist focused brands will be in for a treat. But, how do they stand out in this very paired back, subdued crowd?
Do what it says on the tin. User experience on a D2C luxury fashion brands website is the ultimate superpower, realigning your branding at every touchpoint and ensuring the minimalism comes through.

Ensuring page speed, categorisations, product descriptions and key terms are prioritised, not only from an SEO perspective but also from customer trust aspect.
Minimalism has been around for quite some time, so the luxury fashion customer wants to know that you’re the expert when parting with their hard-earned cash. They want the best of the best, so brands must ensure their online experience is exactly that.
And then looking at the logomania that’s returned to the catwalks, this is a trend to not miss out on.
With the luxury fashion reselling market growing at almost three times the speed of the luxury fashion industry branded goods are the hot item when it comes to holding their value.
Creating a cult item is the goal, one that not only customers want to be seen in but can help them once their use for it has diminished.
Looking at pieces that hold their value, the logo is the common theme. Luxury pieces from fashion houses with logomania in their designs.
Want to know more about our predicted trends for 2022?
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Or read the first article in this series about the luxury fashion industry,
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