Ecom Leaders
A community of like-minded ecommerce and digital marketers
Be part of the conversation
Grow your eCommerce & digital network
Ecom Leader Roundtables
The Ecom Edit
Need more detail?
Is there a cost to join?
There's absolutely no cost to join the community - we just want to bring together ambitious Ecom Leaders with a growth mindset.
How often do I have to join the events and contribute?
There's also no obligation to attend the events, but we'll do our best to accommodate to everyone's busy schedules to make it easier! Don't worry you won't be bombarded with emails.
What credentials or experience do I need to join?
If you're in a senior role within a brand or retailer, you're welcome to join.
Will there be any brands that I compete with?
We'll do our best to ensure the community has non-competing brands, but we'll absolutely make sure any of the roundtable events only include people from non-competing brands so you're able to speak freely.
This all sounds great, but I'm keen to talk to someone before joining.
Feel free to sign-up on the form and one of the s360 UK team will reach-out to you to onboard you onto the community. They can tackle any questions you have then!